Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kazumi Nikaidoh --- You Dropped Something Again, Didn't You?

Here is something a little more easy breezy on the ears. Kazumi Nikaidoh (Nika to her friends)   is a japanese folk singer.  You Dropped Something Again, Didn't You? is her second album.

"Nika plays the acoustic guitar with a distinctive finger-picking style but far more distinctive is her singing style, which can sound cute and childish at one point and then broken and jagged with a little warning. There are long sections of wordless singing that drifts away from the key and out of the meter. She is accompanied mostly by other acoustic instruments - piano, cello, flute, clarinet"

If you want to see really how amazing her 
voice is watch this video   EYES

Download here   EARS

P.S    I love the album art. D you?