Sunday, October 26, 2008

Paavoharju - Laulu Laakson Kukista

Paavoharju is a freak folk band from Finland. Their sound is a precise combination of broken chords, acoustic guitars, spiritual choral vocals and digital filters.

classified as "entropic Nordic dance-pop"

"Downtempo dub. Song. Weird pastel electronica. Song. Laulu is structured much like Yhä Hämärää and the line between should be drawn using confidence, or perhaps perseverance. Mulish is too ugly a word for Laulu, whose compositions are stubbornly given room to flower and expand but are always appropriately reined; instead let's say that Paavoharju have a well-developed internal clock, or are otherwise familiar with "The Ugly Duckling". "Kirkonväki" outgrows its watery piano and malfunctioning click-track to blossom into a goth-rock prom, replete with organs in waltz-time stumble. "Uskallan" features a male lead so clear-throated and dramatic that the song sounds like one of the early 90s Latin-American hits that increasingly populate Chicago's jukeboxes. "Sumuvirsi", a rhythm-less, female-led hymn whose second-most prominent sound is a cackling raven, hues closest to the psych-folk traditional to Fonal's roster, but even it seems more theatrical and dramatic, like Paavoharju have been taking their cues both from Eleanoora Rosenholm and high-school drama productions.

The tiny honking synths that augment the rusty guitars of "Tyttö Tanssii" suggest a more literal reading of the Bicycle metaphor from above: a hill of two-wheelers, disheveled rubber, tassels, and bells. Laulu connotes this youth, motion, and playfulness in various states of repair and construction, and it does so by alternating well-formed, multi-faced pop songs with abstract head-scratchers, each component as warmly evocative and strangely necessary as the last. "

Listen here EAR

Download here LOBES

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kazumi Nikaidoh --- You Dropped Something Again, Didn't You?

Here is something a little more easy breezy on the ears. Kazumi Nikaidoh (Nika to her friends)   is a japanese folk singer.  You Dropped Something Again, Didn't You? is her second album.

"Nika plays the acoustic guitar with a distinctive finger-picking style but far more distinctive is her singing style, which can sound cute and childish at one point and then broken and jagged with a little warning. There are long sections of wordless singing that drifts away from the key and out of the meter. She is accompanied mostly by other acoustic instruments - piano, cello, flute, clarinet"

If you want to see really how amazing her 
voice is watch this video   EYES

Download here   EARS

P.S    I love the album art. D you?

Svarte Greiner & Keswicklemon --- Ono Norway

If you do not like experimental music you probably will not like this but download it anyway.

classified as ambient, experimental, electronic, dark, acoustic doom.

"The Caliginous shadow of svarte Greiner (aka Erik K Skodvin) returns once more to wreak havoc on all who lend a severed ear, and this time he comes with a wretched familiar, the dadaist jester and ono label curator Keswick Lemon. The two mischievous spirits have put their broken minds together to come up with an hour-long mix of tumult and faux-splendor, with half an hour procured from each tortured soul."

"this is music to crumble your soul and facilitate your innermost desires."

DOWNLOAD   _^_^_