Martin Arnold is an experimental movie maker who glitches out old movies. The tech nique he uses is one of the most re freshi ng things i have seen in a lon g time. I am posting these video s S S because the loops he creates de velop into a wonderful music experience. WA TCH T H I S (did you see i messed with the text?)
I feel his best Glitchy film is To Kill a Mocking Bird. He rapes this video. this can not be embedded so ill give you the link. watch to the end cuz you need to see the whole thing to appreciate it. the children yelling at each other made me bust. the full version is not on youtube which pisses me off.
The other 2 videos are also pretty good. The 1st reveals a terrifying kiss! and the 2nd one has a pretty long intro but after you get past the foreplay its all uphill from there.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Boom Bip & Doseone --- Circle

Abstract Hip Hop meets Abstract Trip Hop
I have always been a huge fan of the Anticon label. On this Cd Doseone Shines, linking abstract lyrics in the most unique rapping style.
Boom Bip & Doseone was a shortlived collaboration between the aforementioned artists, producing one album, Circle, and a set on a tour, documented on the 2002 Mush Tour DVD and a joint Peel Session with fellow Mush act, cLOUDDEAD.
if you like Clouddead or Subtle download this.
Listen here: EARS
Download: STEAL
Friday, November 21, 2008
Kashiwa Daisuke ---Program Music I

I am here to say that this man is equal to and sometimes even better than Worlds End Girl Friend. (yea i said it)
Kashiwa Daisuke is a solo artist from Hiroshima, Japan. His idea is to create not only acoustic, but also electronic filmy soundscapes and atmospheres, by melting together a variety of classical instruments, spoken word snippets, and crisp beats. With a proper amount of ambient music, all of these form an exquisite sound experience.
Program Music only features two tracks, but their runtime is still over an hour. Its rich textures and depths were noted, with one critic claiming, “It’s a combination of sound and image, rather than probably sound landscape, in terms of itself.”
If you are a fan of Worlds End Girl Friend download this immediately
Also if you like this CD tell me because i was able to get my paws on all his Albums.... But this one is his best.
Download Here: Steal
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Paavoharju - Laulu Laakson Kukista

Paavoharju is a freak folk band from Finland. Their sound is a precise combination of broken chords, acoustic guitars, spiritual choral vocals and digital filters.
classified as "entropic Nordic dance-pop"
"Downtempo dub. Song. Weird pastel electronica. Song. Laulu is structured much like Yhä Hämärää and the line between should be drawn using confidence, or perhaps perseverance. Mulish is too ugly a word for Laulu, whose compositions are stubbornly given room to flower and expand but are always appropriately reined; instead let's say that Paavoharju have a well-developed internal clock, or are otherwise familiar with "The Ugly Duckling". "Kirkonväki" outgrows its watery piano and malfunctioning click-track to blossom into a goth-rock prom, replete with organs in waltz-time stumble. "Uskallan" features a male lead so clear-throated and dramatic that the song sounds like one of the early 90s Latin-American hits that increasingly populate Chicago's jukeboxes. "Sumuvirsi", a rhythm-less, female-led hymn whose second-most prominent sound is a cackling raven, hues closest to the psych-folk traditional to Fonal's roster, but even it seems more theatrical and dramatic, like Paavoharju have been taking their cues both from Eleanoora Rosenholm and high-school drama productions.
The tiny honking synths that augment the rusty guitars of "Tyttö Tanssii" suggest a more literal reading of the Bicycle metaphor from above: a hill of two-wheelers, disheveled rubber, tassels, and bells. Laulu connotes this youth, motion, and playfulness in various states of repair and construction, and it does so by alternating well-formed, multi-faced pop songs with abstract head-scratchers, each component as warmly evocative and strangely necessary as the last. "
Listen here EAR
Download here LOBES
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Kazumi Nikaidoh --- You Dropped Something Again, Didn't You?

"Nika plays the acoustic guitar with a distinctive finger-picking style but far more distinctive is her singing style, which can sound cute and childish at one point and then broken and jagged with a little warning. There are long sections of wordless singing that drifts away from the key and out of the meter. She is accompanied mostly by other acoustic instruments - piano, cello, flute, clarinet"
If you want to see really how amazing her
voice is watch this video EYES
Download here EARS
P.S I love the album art. D you?
Svarte Greiner & Keswicklemon --- Ono Norway

If you do not like experimental music you probably will not like this but download it anyway.
classified as ambient, experimental, electronic, dark, acoustic doom.
"The Caliginous shadow of svarte Greiner (aka Erik K Skodvin) returns once more to wreak havoc on all who lend a severed ear, and this time he comes with a wretched familiar, the dadaist jester and ono label curator Keswick Lemon. The two mischievous spirits have put their broken minds together to come up with an hour-long mix of tumult and faux-splendor, with half an hour procured from each tortured soul."
"this is music to crumble your soul and facilitate your innermost desires."
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sunset Rubdown---Random Spirit Lover
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Woods Family Creeps -- Woods Family Creeps
Future Of the Left -- Curses

Are you a fan of breaking bottles/beating asses/bloody mouths/meat or just being plain rowdy? Well this band is for you. Future Of the Left is made up by former members of Mclusky. These guys are from Wales and their hard accents really add to this raping. I hate people to this.
here is their myspace: CLICK
D-load it here: CLICK
World's End Girlfriend -- Dream's End Come True

In this large, large world there is only one Artist that blows my mind. World's End Girlfriend is a Japanese Electronic/Classical/Noise composer. This is an early EP but it has some of his best work on it. When compared to his newest CD (Hurtbreak Wonderland) I would say this is more synthy. Listen to "Caroling Hellwalker" and you will be blown away... or "All Perfect Love Song" (personal fav!) a 25 min orgasm.
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